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No matter what they say, no matter what you tell yourself, there are no miracle diets, no overnight cures, no revolutionary concepts. Good health and a lean body come from knowledge, patience, and discipline. If you want to lose weight and eliminate your excess body fat, you'll have to eat more nutritious foods, reduce the fat in your diet, and exercise regularly. That's all there is to it.
After taking countless courses in nutrition and trying just about every weight-loss program in the country, I'd simply had it with over-weight diet counselors and chain-smoking physicians telling me how to permanently lose weight and get fit. Although I still had not attained my personal weight-loss goals, I began thinking about how I Knowledge of nutrition and weight loss with my professional training in aerobics and fitness, I formed my own company to counsel on weight loss and weight management and to do body-composition analyses and fitness counseling. My goal was to help average people discover nutrition and fitness programs that worked for their particular life-styles, and for several years I offered encouraging words to others but seldom took the time to motivate myself or heed my own advice.
When I started working with my trainer, Davis, however, I began taking more of a personal interest in the information that I was dispensing and eventually was able to incorporate it into my own life. Because of this newfound confidence in myself and pride in my accomplishments, my business began to thrive. In one year alone I tested 2,000 clients to determine their body compositions - their lean body mass and fat mass percentages. (To date, my company has tested approximately 20,000 clients, and that number continues to grow.)
If there's one thing I've learned through my years of weight-loss and weight-management counseling, it's that bodies don't lie. If you eat right, exercise, manage stress effectively, and make a concerted effort to enjoy life and give to others, your entire being will reflect that. But one of the first steps toward achieving a health, fit body is to determine what you're made of: you need to have a body-fat analysis done.
Already I can hear some of you asking yourself, "Why would I want to pay someone to give me a test tat would tell me exactly how fat I am? I already know how fat I am- I can see that from looking in the mirror and reading the numbers on my bathroom scale." Okay, so you already know that your clothes are too tight and maybe you're about twenty pounds heavier that you'd like to be, but do you know how much of that weight is fat and how much is lean body mass? Your bathroom scale is not an accurate measure of your total body composition - vital information to have before successfully embarking on any weight-loss or fitness program. Your scale at home just shows you why you can't zip up your jeans anymore. The kind of weight you want to lose is fat, not lean body mass, and unless you know how much of it you have, how will you know how much of it you need to lose?
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Body Composition Analysis is available at most Health Club and physicians offices3. Study the Bible - Read the word yourself every day. Listen to audiotapes. Go to the Internet and read, watch and listen to great teachings. You can become a coinsure of God’s messages, promises, teaching and wisdom. There is such great motivation and stories of triumph in the bible. Let them help you with your transformation process.
4. Praise God for the answers, solutions, resources and blessings. Those from the past, those you have now and those in your future.
Before you ask, he will have answered. Our God is able, Even better than that. He is WILLING! God is the same today, tomorrow and forever. |
Wow, I have never had a human trainer that was that dependable and you can’t beat God’s Rates. Remember, With God, all things are possible.
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