Hey, it’s Brad again.
Do you know what sucks?
venus factor reviews

Being lied to.
And do you know WHY it sucks?
Because it makes you feel like an idiot.
Personally, I’m getting tired of all the “get-slim-quick-promises-but-you-don’t-get-results”
charlatans out there these days.  The reason isn’t so much the money.
No, it’s the fact that every time you fail on one of these crap programs (that aren’t really 
built for you ANYWAY)…
… a little chink is taken out of your self esteem…
You see, the process of losing weight is supposed to help RAISE self esteem, not crush
it like a bug on a sidewalk.  Yet, that’s not what you end up getting.
In fact, most personal trainers I know will site “low self esteem” for the lack of results they
can get their clients.  The clients have tried so many things that haven’t worked that now
many are living in a state of “learned helplessness” when it comes to diet and nutrition.
And that should never be the case.
You should NEVER be afraid of food… or your body for that matter.
However, here’s an interesting “rule” you SHOULD follow…
“Make your diet focus mainly on one ingredient foods”   (at least at the start)
Sure, we can make claims of it being “healthy”, but as you’ll see tomorrow, that word
is pretty vague and actually describes NOTHING.
In reality, you should make the assumption that anything that has been processed by
humans and companies and has more than one ingredient…
… has been modified or engineered to cause you to continue CRAVING that food.
That’s right.
You should ASSUME that food companies have created foods that are highly palatable
and causes your body to crave them.
You ever wonder why you can never just eat ONE potato chip?  :)
And no, I’m not saying that ALL processed foods are like this; however, I’ve got enough 
inside knowledge to say it’s a VERY safe assumption to make.
So give that some thought.
Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about the “mechanism” of getting you hooked on food.   It’s so
dastardly, it may even piss you off!
Stay cool,
p.s.   With Venus Factor, you can finally free yourself from food and get the body you
         Why wonder when you can be well on your way in less than 5 mins flat.
          Don’t let this pass you by, it’s your life and you only live it once.

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